Hey all, I'm still here. Well, sort of.
My role at my company has changed and I'm now swamped most of the time. I'm gradually morphing into CTO, trying to drag my company out of the technological stone ages, but within absurdly tight budgetary constraints.
I can definitely identify with the topic at hand. We all seem to be under 24/7 digital bombardment, whether it's work emails, SMS, TV, gaming, or social media. I think this is slowly rewiring everyone's brains. For those of us of a (cough) certain age (cough), we remember back before the digital explosion when rotary dial phones were the norm, and you had to write or type actual letters and put a stamp on them. Life in general required more hands-on practical skills with few if any aids.
Further, there were far more clearly defined authoritative sources on most topics. While digital publishing and media has "democratized" access to information, it has done an appalling poor job of qualifying that information. Now anyone and everyone can publish anything, which is already having a terrible effect.
The most recent era of "Do your own research" is ample proof that 100 people will find 100 different sources, each confirming their own inherent biases. This is not good for society.
Sorry, this is starting to sound like a bit of a rant, but there you have it. I'm happy to read anyone else's take on it.
Look, it's been swell, but the swelling's gone down.