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CG Helicopter Downwash Kills Passer-By, 87

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ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 05 Apr 22, 18:53Post

A Maritime and Coastguard Agency helicopter landing at Plymouth, UK's Derriford Hospital blew over two elderly women, leaving one with a broken pelvis and one dead from head injuries.

Happened a month ago, but only just came to my attention (by way of my Auntie Maureen, who used to work at the hospital). She reckons they're now landing the Coast Guard helicopters on Plymouth Hoe, a good half-hour drive from the hospital. The hospital roof isn't strong enough to put a helipad up there.

If only someone had built a perfectly good airport right next door. Oh, wait...
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.
JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 05 Apr 22, 20:05Post
{facepalm} The law of city planning in the UK seems to be to consult everyone who has no knowledge of the local area. I recall the vociferous campaign to save PLH , seems they had a point!

In Blackpool, a visitor had a serious heart attack at the zoo and was (due to their size) airlifted out. The helicopters land on a field immediately south of the zoo and meet an ambulance that transports patients to the cardiac unit, which, if you hadn't already guessed, is immediately north of the zoo. The ambulance had to go past where the patient had their incident to collect them from the helicopter!
A million great ideas...
DXing 06 Apr 22, 00:00Post
Were they fence surfing ala SXM and mistakenly let go????

What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?

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