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The State Of The...Your Job!

Everything that would not belong anywhere else.

Lucas (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 12 Jan 24, 16:39Post
Without exception, every new employee I get who is 25 or under is absolutely a nightmare to try and get rated.

Examples of why include:

-Showing up at 22 after for a 15 start with the comment, "The computer rounds this down to 15," and then wanting to leave at 38 on a 45 out.

-Demonstrating zero willingness to study and being upset when they are marked negatively for still not knowing the most BASIC phraseology after 40 days. (While talking about how they watch TV, go to the bar, and spend hours at the gym every day.)

-Writing long emails about how they need to be supported so they have the confidence required, so trainers and managers should not prompt, make suggestions, or correct them. (Note: Said people are expected, in their eyes, to take over and do anything remotely complex, however.)

-Unplugging from position and deciding to the the next 8.5 hours as a "study day" because they don't like an instructor instructing them to do things. (And demanding that a corrective action plan be executed by HR on the instructor.)

-Being unable to read and write proficiently. (Two developmentals now have told me that they are unable to understand the rule book due to how complex the writing is. One said he gets his wife to do the reading for him.)

-Taking notes to build legal cases about how they are maltrained. (3 times now.)
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 12 Jan 24, 19:26Post
I saw some of that during my time as a Training Officer at the last job. It was, fortunately, less frequent than what you're seeing, but troubling nontheless.

One trainee that comes to mind is one that needed frequent "time outs" to process their feelings. These episodes usually occurred after being informed that they'd done something wrong, or being shown a better way to accomplish a task. As a LEO, there are frequent situations were things get overwhelming, but one must "stay in the fight." There won't always be a quiet space to go to where one can "process feelings." I don't recall if this person completed field training, but there was extensive effort expended in getting them on track.

* * * *

Meanwhile, at the "Eff Bee Ohh," the environment continues to worsen. We started off the new year with fewer employees than this time last year. This is despite recent hiring efforts. Most of these people were lost to a competitor on field that pays more. The only pay raise those remaining will see is as a result of yearly performance evaluations, which were supposed to have been done last month.

There are so many little things that could be done to make things better, but management refuses to do them.
Make Orwell fiction again.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 27 Feb 24, 16:13Post
Current employer is set to unveil a new corporate logo next week. There is quite a bit of fanfare planned for the official release. I don't think I was supposed to see a "sneak peak," but I have seen the new logo.

It is...not good. A lot of money has gone into this rebranding. Not just the hiring of a design firm to produce something that sucks, but also all the uniforms, equipment, signs, etc that will feature this new logo. It was a solution to a problem that didn't exist. Much along the lines of other corporate rebranding efforts.
Make Orwell fiction again.
Lucas (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 28 Feb 24, 21:13Post
ShyFlyer wrote:Current employer is set to unveil a new corporate logo next week. There is quite a bit of fanfare planned for the official release. I don't think I was supposed to see a "sneak peak," but I have seen the new logo.

It is...not good. A lot of money has gone into this rebranding. Not just the hiring of a design firm to produce something that sucks, but also all the uniforms, equipment, signs, etc that will feature this new logo. It was a solution to a problem that didn't exist. Much along the lines of other corporate rebranding efforts.

That reminds me of when the University of Montana paid a company 1.5m to come up with a rebranding campaign (due to the ongoing rape storm in which the uni pres was complicit on one occasion, oops), and the result was...

"Missoula: Thrive"

That was it.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 29 Feb 24, 03:17Post
Fortunately, my employer is not seeking to distance itself from scandal. At least, I hope not. :o

The change wont hurt the company any, for sure. I just dread the forced "happy happy joy joy" that will certainly surround the new brand identity. It reminds me of the Demand Media era of Airliners.
Make Orwell fiction again.
CALTECH 17 Mar 24, 16:48Post
Well, ... I-on-staff

Meet Maya Tallman, a man pretending to be a woman who's a pilot and runs a newly formed DEI Committee for @united

He sent a letter to employees about how excited he is to incorporate DEI into @united

Pray United is focused on safety just as much as they’re focused on diversity

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 15, 2024
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 10 Apr 24, 19:18Post
Through the grace of God, in a few days I shall leave the "Eff-Bee-Oh" behind for a new job in my home state. A place where the cost of living is (at least for now) far less insane. Not only that, but the move also advances my airport operations career and pays significantly more than my current job.
It's a professional trifecta of sorts.

I won't be starting the new gig right away, fortunately. I've been able to arrange quite a bit of time for myself and to obtain some more professional credentials. It should make for an easy transition and give me the time I need to recover from the last job.
Make Orwell fiction again.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 27 May 24, 22:07Post
ShyFlyer wrote:I've been able to arrange quite a bit of time for myself and to obtain some more professional credentials

I took the test and passed it. I now hold "Airport Certified Employee - Security" bragging rights...I mean credentials. It was a lot of information to take in but seemed like a natural fit given my working history. It also gave me a better grasp of my new job, which I think I'll like.
Make Orwell fiction again.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 22 Jul 24, 02:57Post
ShyFlyer wrote:It also gave me a better grasp of my new job, which I think I'll like.

Nearly two months in and I like the new job. From what I hear, I'm doing well too. Also a bonus is that they are very supportive and accommodating with regards to a serious family issue that has arisen.
Make Orwell fiction again.
captoveur 22 Jul 24, 22:54Post
I work for a place so fuckin stupid they have imposed a hiring freeze.

They open a hospital in December, and need 300 nurses. Nevermind doctors, techs, everything else.

But hiring freeze.

This is why my eye twitches.
I like my coffee how I like my women: Black, bitter, and preferably fair trade.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 10 Aug 24, 16:57Post
Sometimes, I get to touch little bits of history while at work:

"The Tunnel"

The Tunnel
Sunport_1.jpg (179.27 KiB) Viewed 1341 times

Before the current terminal was built, the only way to get from the main terminal to the "Satellite Building" was to go under the ramp. In service from 1965 until sometime before 1989, it still exists largely untouched. It still contains original tile artwork. No information on who the original artist was and even though attempts have been made to move the art, it appears that the only way to prevent damage to it is to simply leave it in place.

Today, it serves as a conduit for electrical and water lines. It's completely cut off from the main terminal, the access path having given way to baggage claim. The access from what was once the Satellite Building (now the "T-Connector") still exists, and one can even see where the escalators to ground level once existed.

A Ariel photo of the Sunport from 1985 just before major terminal renovations began is at the link below. The black pavement from the terminal to the Satellite Building is the tunnel under the ramp. ... 965-today/

"The USAir Door"

USAir Door
Sunport_2.jpg (173.42 KiB) Viewed 1341 times

I found this logo on a ramp access door. USAir last served the ABQ sometime around 1996 ~ 1997. It would return, sort of, as the result of its merger with America West in 2005, under the name of US Airways.

Today, the door leads to a storage room for one of the concessionaires.

"The Old Terminal"

Old Terminal
Sunport_3.JPG (130.64 KiB) Viewed 1341 times

Still open to the public....sort of. It was opened in 1939 and serviced flights until 1965. Since then it's been a museum, offices for TSA, and now (temporarily) houses Airport Security. It's on the National Register of Historic Places and currently undergoing some exterior restoration.
Make Orwell fiction again.

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