You are at netAirspace : netAirspace Miles : Achievements


Earn Achievements by interacting with netAirspace and its community. Achievements earn you netAirspace Miles, which you can redeem for membership rewards.

Here is a list of the Achievements. Collect them all!

Special: These ones are really hard to get! 
Achieved all current awards, outside of the Special category (Manual claim; not available)
Is (or was) an Air Traffic Controller (Manual claim)
Is (or was) a licensed aircraft engineer (Manual claim)
Achieved all Black awards outside the Special category (Manual claim; not available)
Is a verified subject matter expert (Manual claim)
Holds (or held) a valid pilot's licence (Manual claim)
Other: Anything that doesn't fit into the other categories 
There are no awards in this category yet.
General: Site-wide, not related to a particular area 
Awarded by the admins for going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.
Achieved all current General awards (Manual claim; not available)
Held a staff position (Manual claim)
Was grandfathered in when the paid membership model was introduced (Manual claim; not available)
Chose a non-default avatar
Found the page telling you how to get Miles easily
Uploaded a personal avatar
Support: Backing up your love for netAirspace with hard cash 
Bought an Ultimate membership
Bought a one-year First Class membership
Put up cold hard cash to get netAirspace off the ground (Manual claim; not available)
Bought a one-year Business Class membership (Not available)
Social: Attending meets and other social activities 
Achieved all Social awards (Manual claim; not available)
Attended an official netAirspace meet more than 5,000 miles away (Manual claim)
Attended an official netAirspace meet in another country (Manual claim)
Met another member, not at an official meet (Manual claim)
Attended an official netAirspace meet (Manual claim)
Forum: Contributing in the forums 
Achieved all current Forum awards (Manual claim; not available)
Posted in all Air and Space forums
Filed a Trip Report
Photo: Uploading good photos, getting lots of views... 
Earned the "Star Alliance", "oneworld" and "SkyTeam" achievements (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos with operators starting with A through Z. "Air " doesn't count.
Earned the "Star Meta", "oneworld Meta" and "SkyTeam Meta" achievements (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos of all oneworld airlines' oneworld-liveried aircraft (Manual claim)
Achieved all current Photo awards (Manual claim; not available)
Uploaded photos of all SkyTeam airlines' SkyTeam-liveried aircraft (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos of all Star Alliance airlines' Star Alliance-liveried aircraft
Photos have 10 million views in total
Uploaded photos of three different ANA "Turtle" A380s in full paint (3 photos) (Manual claim)
Photo got more than 10000 views in one day (max 1 achievement per photo)
50 or more people are watching your uploads
Uploaded a photo of an A380 from each current operator (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos of a Trident, TriStar, Trislander, 727, DC-10, MD-11 and Tu-154 (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos of a Boeing 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 and 787 (Manual claim)
Uploaded photos of an Airbus A300, 310, 318 through 321, 330, 340, 350, and 380 (Manual claim)
Photo was featured as Amazing Shot on the homepage
Photo was not selected for the homepage, but reached 75% after 50 AvB votes
Photos have 1 million views in total
Uploaded a photo of each current oneworld airline (Manual claim)
Found one of today's Gold AvB Pot Luck photos
Uploaded a photo of each current SkyTeam airline (Manual claim)
Photographed the same aircraft at five different airports (Manual claim)
Uploaded a photo of each current Star Alliance airline (Manual claim)
Had a personal AvB score of 100
Has 5,000 photos in the database
Uploaded a photo of an ANA "Turtle" A380 in full paint (Manual claim)
Photo got more than 2500 views in one day (max 1 achievement per photo)
20 or more people are watching your uploads
Photos have 100,000 views in total
Photographed the same aircraft at two different airports (Manual claim)
Uploaded a fire-fighting, a police and an ambulance/medevac aircraft (Manual claim)
Photo had an AvB score of 100 after 10 votes
Found one of today's Silver AvB Pot Luck photos
Created a Premium album
Has 500 photos in the database
Photo got more than 1000 views in one day (max 1 achievement per photo)
Someone started watching you for new photo uploads
Photos have 10,000 views in total
Watched an airline or other operator
Watched an airport or other location
Created a basic photo album
Voted in AvB
Loved a photo
Had a photo featured on the homepage
Someone (not you!) loved one of your photos
Someone (not you!) commented on one of your photos
Watched a photographer
Uploaded a photo
Found one of today's Bronze AvB Pot Luck photos
Commented on a photo (not yours!)
Photo got more than 500 views in one day (max 1 achievement per photo)
Fun: Playing (and winning) our games 
Got all current Fun achievements
Played Pairplanes 90 days in a row
Scored more than 65,000 in Pairplanes
Played Slider 90 days in a row
Scored more than 250,000 in Slider
Played Pairplanes 30 days in a row
Scored more than 60,000 in Pairplanes
Played Pairplanes 30 days in a row without scoring over 45,000
Got the same score in Pairplanes, over 50,000, twice in one day
Played Slider 30 days in a row
Scored more than 200,000 in Slider
Played Slider 30 days in a row without scoring over 150,000
Played Pairplanes 7 days in a row
Scored more than 50,000 in Pairplanes
Played Slider 7 days in a row
Scored more than 150,000 in Slider
Was top of the Pairplanes daily leaderboard when it reset
Played a game of Pairplanes
Played a game of Slider
Was top of the Slider daily leaderboard when it reset