JLAmber wrote:A large proportion of the blame for this has to lie with former PM Boris Johnson and his fantasy of building 'Boris Island/Shivering Sands' in the Thames Estuary. Without the buffoon's catastrophic ego-trip, LHR's 3rd runway would now probably be in the early phases of construction.
The Tories now claim that they have no problem with R3 and that Labour have nicked the proposals from them. Come the next election, when they're desperate for a seat and opposing this "waste of money", "absolute violation of villagers' rights" and "global environmental catastrophe", I hope someone rubs that in their faces.
JLAmber wrote:That's happening in 2026. IIRC, they've already got a couple of airlines signed up to begin flights around March. There are a loyal band of supporters who've got some heavyweight backing pushing the re-opening along.
Fantastic news.
Tenuous link: Sheffield's ILS came from Perth, where I used to work (and fly ILS approaches).
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.