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Is there a problem with Pair Planes ?

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paul mcallister 28 Dec 23, 12:42Post

Just wondered is there a problem with Pair Planes or is it me or rather my PC?
I confess I`m not very clued in to tech, but over past month Pair planes has ben very slow.Sometimes the images take 2 to 3 secs to turn, and as it`s a speed related game, it `s making a decent score very difficult.

It maybe my PC, I am using Edge on Windows 10, should all be up to date, might be a cookie problem, I have also had a flickering problem with FR24 as in the map appears then flicks on and off slowly.

Any advice would be helpful, but please be nice as always.

mhodgson (ATC & Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 28 Dec 23, 15:06Post
No, it would appear not. I've just tried and it is slow (and my PC isn't!)
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 28 Dec 23, 15:52Post
Just knocked off a couple of 50k games with no issue.

I can confirm that

1) The relevant code hasn't changed since October 2019, and
2) There's no network traffic during the game, only loading images before and sending the score after.

Therefore, any slowdown is likely to be a browser or PC issue. Maybe some update is the cause.
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.
paul mcallister 29 Dec 23, 01:18Post
Still doing it with me, just to add to discription, 80% of the time it works fine, but at least 4 or 5 times during the game, the image suddenly becomes very slow to turn ( reveal ), and at end of game, the completed grid takes 4 or 5 seconds to scroll up the screen.

I can usually do it in 30-33 seconds and get 50K, but I`m struggling to beat 38 seconds and 45k, so something is a miss somewhere.

As I said I only use PC`s, I don`t know much about how they work, it`s magic pixies to me lol.

Is there anything easy to do that I can check, or try and fix the problem, or should I try a different browser perhaps ?

Thanks in advance.
ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 29 Dec 23, 14:35Post
That sounds fairly horrific. I use Win10/Chrome here and have no issues. Just tried Edge and it seemed OK, except when it decided to open some stupid toolbar half-way through the game.

At some point I should probably sit down and re-write the whole thing using modern web technologies that would probably be more efficient, but there are a lot of more important under-the-hood tasks ahead of that in the queue. Considering that I literally hacked the thing together in a meeting 10 years ago because I was bored, it hasn't done too badly.
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.
paul mcallister 29 Dec 23, 18:52Post
It`s not the end of the world, just a bit annoying and frustrating.
As you mention I am sure you have more important things to do to the site.

I will try a different browser in the meantime and see how that performs.

Thank you for your reply.
mhodgson (ATC & Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 30 Dec 23, 11:49Post
It seems to be browser based - I use Firefox normally now and it is very slow to load and display the transitions; but using Chrome it is much faster.
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 01 Jan 24, 20:53Post
I've tested pairplanes on a couple of browsers and don't see any issues. I don't use Edge but it does seem to have issues with cookies storage. Perhaps delete cookies for this site and restart your PC.
A million great ideas...

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