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Photo DB - 4 Years Old Today

The place for site-related announcements and member feedback.

JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 28 Nov 15, 14:33Post
I just noticed while cleaning out some emails that our photo DB is 4 years old today. Well done to all our uploaders and everybody that works on the DB for 4 years of contribution to what must be the most unique aviation database out there {thumbsup}

Of all the 92k uploads to the DB over the last 4 years, this shot by Oliver Totzke remains my personal favourite:

A million great ideas...
ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 29 Nov 15, 19:51Post
4 years, really? Wow.

I'd like to join JLAmber in saying a big thank-you and well done to everyone who's uploaded, as well as to the unseen army of volunteers who keep everything shipshape.

There are so many great shots that I'd really be hard-pressed to pick a favourite, but I do like that we get the occasional off-the-wall shot that wouldn't stand a chance elsewhere. AvB seems to do a great job of bringing the really interesting stuff to the fore, which means we must also say thank you to those who vote there.

Hopefully Year 5 will be better still!
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.

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