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Health Care Issue

Everything that would not belong anywhere else.

Mark 06 Oct 23, 01:21Post
These past two years have sucked immensely health-wise. On September 17th, I passed out at home. EMS brought me to Region's Hospital in St. Paul, MN. While there, I used my old nursing patient portal account and Moto G 5G to hack the charting system to get some long-overdue explanations.

My family thought I'd had a seizure, but over 100 pages of imaging, progress notes, and charting proved my kidneys and liver were acting up.

I've printed out 100 pages of notes for when I go to visit my neurologist/psychiatrist on Monday. I'll tell you what, though. The acute confusion is something I wouldn't wish on my worst rival.

I'm banned from driving until my doctor gives me the go-ahead again.
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miamiair (netAirspace FAA) 06 Oct 23, 10:09Post
I hope you get your answers and get well soon.
And let's get one thing straight. There's a big difference between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician; the other is an artist in love with flight. — E. B. Jeppesen
Mark 06 Oct 23, 12:58Post
miamiair wrote:I hope you get your answers and get well soon.

Thanks, Vic. The fact that I was discharged home within 36 hours was significant. I found a lot of records relating to my visit, but all of them were negative for a seizure or brain mass.

A CT scan of my kidneys/ureters/bladder showed some cysts.
Commercial aircraft flown in: B712 B722 B732 B734 B737 B738 B741 B742 B744 B752 B753 B762 B772 A310 A318 A319 A320 A321 DC91 DC93 DC94 DC1030 DC1040 F100 MD82 MD83 A223 CR2 CR7 E175
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 06 Oct 23, 15:26Post
miamiair wrote:I hope you get your answers and get well soon.

Same, hope you get answers/remedies quickly, Mark.
Lucas (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 06 Oct 23, 20:44Post
That sounds awfully unpleasant. Hope that it's something that they can treat easily, brutha.
Mark 06 Oct 23, 21:12Post
Lucas wrote:That sounds awfully unpleasant. Hope that it's something that they can treat easily, brutha.

I was surprised to get all of my labs and scans... including those from EMS. This could have been a diabetic thing. I've had other similar instances over the past few months.
Commercial aircraft flown in: B712 B722 B732 B734 B737 B738 B741 B742 B744 B752 B753 B762 B772 A310 A318 A319 A320 A321 DC91 DC93 DC94 DC1030 DC1040 F100 MD82 MD83 A223 CR2 CR7 E175
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 08 Oct 23, 18:22Post
Health scares aren't fun. {vsad}

Lucas wrote:Hope that it's something that they can treat easily, brutha.

Seconded {thumbsup}
Make Orwell fiction again.
JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 10 Oct 23, 19:44Post
Mark wrote: I'll tell you what, though. The acute confusion is something I wouldn't wish on my worst rival.

Sounds a lot like when my Father used to suffer from nasty UTIs. The damage they can cause in a short space of time is frightening.

Hope you're sorted ASAP!
A million great ideas...
Mark 12 Oct 23, 13:49Post
Ah, shit. My doctor has suspended my driving privileges until December 17th. They've determined that I had a seizure.
Commercial aircraft flown in: B712 B722 B732 B734 B737 B738 B741 B742 B744 B752 B753 B762 B772 A310 A318 A319 A320 A321 DC91 DC93 DC94 DC1030 DC1040 F100 MD82 MD83 A223 CR2 CR7 E175
DXing 18 Oct 23, 20:39Post
What changed from the earlier diagnosis of no seizure? A doctor can suspend driving privileges? Doesn't a court have to do that?
What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?
Mark 21 Oct 23, 20:57Post
DXing wrote:What changed from the earlier diagnosis of no seizure? A doctor can suspend driving privileges? Doesn't a court have to do that?

When I went to the doctor for a follow up appointment, he said he's assuming it was actually 4 seizures over an 18 hour period... two at home and two in the hospital, witnessed by nursing staff. Normally, anti-seizure meds make one feel groggy, but I'm not feeling that way. So, I can deal with it.

My license isn't suspended by the court. I just have a very f*cking anal housemate who's taken my keys. Probably for good reason.

On Halloween, I'll be halfway through my driving restriction.
Commercial aircraft flown in: B712 B722 B732 B734 B737 B738 B741 B742 B744 B752 B753 B762 B772 A310 A318 A319 A320 A321 DC91 DC93 DC94 DC1030 DC1040 F100 MD82 MD83 A223 CR2 CR7 E175

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