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Surprise...unexploded WW2 bomb explodes

Everything that would not belong anywhere else.

DXing 11 Feb 23, 14:34Post
Do they find these things very often? If so how often are they successful in defusing them? Obviously, things didn't work out quite as planned this time.

World War II bomb explodes in England in 'unplanned' detonation\\

I understand that in France they are still finding unexploded munitions from WW1 and may be doing so for the next 100 years.
What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?
Raybin 11 Feb 23, 14:54Post
There are more than enough duds from World War II. In the Ruhr area alone, around 5,000 larger bombs are suspected. Every year one hears/reads about about 20 finds. A few years ago, half a residential street in Munich was reduced to rubble while trying to defuse a large bomb.
In western France, Luxembourg and Belgium (especially in the Ardennes) some are also found again and again.
I don't know how things are in the UK at the moment, in Germany duds are already the norm.
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When flying, the dangerous thing is the earth (Wilbur Wright)
DXing 11 Feb 23, 23:07Post
Thanks for the interesting information. I think if I was a farmer in France or Germany I'd fear the spring plowing!
What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?
mhodgson (ATC & Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 12 Feb 23, 11:45Post
Plenty found every year in the UK as well - all over the country in both towns and cities. Normally dealt with fairly efficiently and with minimal disruption!
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
DXing 13 Feb 23, 11:22Post
When one does explode during defusing, and as in the case cited above in Munich, who pays for damages? Are there provisions in your property insurance? Or does the government compensate?
What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?

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