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What Are You Watching (Movies)?

A forum about lifestyle: toys, gadgets, fine food, drinks and smokes.

Nosedive 29 Mar 15, 05:46Post
Charlie Victor Romeo on Netflix. I'm 5 minutes in, but the sets, scripts, and camera angles are minimal; you just watch 2 pilot actors reenact CVR tapes. In spite of those limitations, it's a well done docudrama. The sudden tonal shift from humdrum to terrifying distress is impressive even if some of the acting is over-the-top. Plus the minimal set design and focus on the cockpit emphasizes the point that you're alone in the cockpit when SHTF. Only you can save you.
FlyingAce (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 29 Mar 15, 06:25Post
Speaking of aviation movies, Living in the Age of Airplanes comes out on April 10 at these places:

I'll probably have to wait until it comes out on DVD {vsad}
Money can't buy happiness; but it can get you flying, which is pretty much the same.
vikkyvik 29 Mar 15, 07:08Post
Just watched Gone Girl.

Rating: {cheerful}

Reaction: {bugeye}

Mark 29 Mar 15, 14:38Post
Every now and then I my SO and I go to cartoony movies just for laughs. We went to see "Home" yesterday. Cute piece from Dreamworks.
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FlyingAce (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 24 May 15, 14:25Post
Saw Avengers 2 last night. One would think we were all there for the eye candy :P
Money can't buy happiness; but it can get you flying, which is pretty much the same.
JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 01 Jun 15, 19:42Post
Seven Psychopaths: Never got round to seeing this when it came out but watched it last night. Surprisingly good, Colin Farrell aside, and definitely worth a :)

Big Hero Six: My son's current movie du jour, he's trying to build a micro-bot. Very average, gets a :|

Avengers; Age of Ultron: Thought I was going to hate it, actually quite liked it. If you put aside the fact that Ultron is just about the worst written villain in movie history, it's OK. Gets a :)
A million great ideas...
GQfluffy (Database Editor & Founding Member) 15 Jun 15, 18:29Post
Jurassic World.

Good...almost great CGI. Story moved along pretty did stretch a bit at times...but it kept moving. It never really lagged. Though...I wonder how they're going to do a sequel considering what they did for this one...that said...they did leave it wide open for one...even though if they left it alone it would be great as a stand-alone/4th Jurassic film.

One spot I thought was quite the left me sitting there saying "Yeah right, but of course they had to do that with those two...or..." Go watch, you'll agree...

Chris Pratt did a damned good job. {thumbsup} {thumbsup}

Bryce Dallas Howard. {thumbsup} {thumbsup}

(Not a bad character I suppose...but I'm obviously biased for guy reasons :)) )

The rest of the characters? Meh...immaterial.

If you liked the Jurassic Park (and not the terrible sequels), you'll enjoy this.


:) leaning towards {cheerful}
Teller of no, fixer of everything, friend of the unimportant and all around good guy; the CAD Monkey
Click Click D'oh (Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 19 Jun 15, 13:18Post
Okay, I seriously have to disagree with you CQ. I think I left Jurassic World measurably stupider than when I went in. If I hadn't been paying the near criminal rates Studio Movie Grill charges I would have walked out at several points.
We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf
GQfluffy (Database Editor & Founding Member) 19 Jun 15, 18:45Post
I'm young (I guess) and dumb. So you got that going for you.

Considering all that Hollywood does these days is remake old movies, I thought it wasn't that bad.
Teller of no, fixer of everything, friend of the unimportant and all around good guy; the CAD Monkey
JLAmber (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 23 Jun 15, 17:05Post
I really enjoyed Jurassic World. If you look at it as a Lord of the Rings type fantasy, rather than picking holes in some of the 'science' it's great fun.
A million great ideas...
Click Click D'oh (Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 23 Jun 15, 18:37Post
GQfluffy wrote:I'm young (I guess) and dumb. So you got that going for you.

No, you probably just have a different expectation for story telling than I do.

I'll bring up some of the points that killed me:


-They bred a super dinosaur that is not only huge and fast and aggressive, but smart, can camo morph like an octopus and can suppress it's IR signature. And it's lived it's entire life inside a paddock where it's GPS tracked, IR monitored and watched on a dozen cameras... and not once has it exhibited any of these characteristics until the moment to put it's escape into action? It never once accidentally changed colors? It never once blipped off the IR trackers? And why exactly didn't the cameras see it scratching up the wall then walking back into the paddock?

- Despite wide shots showing the resort having several large hotels, which could also be assumed by the large population of guest on the island (they have to sleep somewhere), the emergency plan for dealing with an escape dinosaur isn't to shelter inside, but for everyone to stand out in the streets?

- Virtual fences? Really? Because in the first two times they tried to make a park, the giant electric and steel fences didn't keep the dinosaurs in, so now we are going to use the big version of the dog shock collar? What insurance company signed off on that?

- The hamster ball attraction is cool, but we know that they would never ever be self steering in the real world. The instant they got out of sight of the ride operator it would be dinosaur land demolition derby. If that ride every existed, it would be computer controlled.

- Weaponized dinosaurs? That's just retarded. I'm sorry, flat out retarded. Pretty much for the obvious reasons that happened in the movie. Oh, your weaponized raptors turned on you and ate you? Here's my shocked face.

- Pterosaur SAMs. Come on. When a hole is poked in their containment dome instead of spreading out and escaping they all arrow right at the helicopter and impale the pilots with their beaks? Because helicopters are the natural enemies of Pterosaurs or something? Yes, yes, bird strikes happen, but usually because the aircraft flew into the birds, not the other way around. Then, when they are done killing the helicopter, they all group up, fly a couple miles and start attacking humans who weigh eight to ten times what they do? ...And manage to fly off with some of them?

- What exactly was that building made of in the finale that bursts into flames when touched by Raptors? Strike anywhere matches?

- If you insert a giant GPS tracking football into your dinosaur and leave the beeping option on, the dinosaur does't have to be smart to figure out where you implanted it. Also, how are they GPS tracking the dinosaur after it removes it's GPS tracking football

- If you were smart enough to implant a GPS tracking football in case the dinosaur escapes... and you are smart enough to have rocket launches in case the dinosaur escapes... why not just implant a command detonated explosive at the base of it's skull? You know, in case the dinosaur escapes. Much easier than rocket launchers.

- Why is the entrance to the T-Rex paddock literally like 50 feet away from the main street attraction? Was their T-Rex escape plan to hope it gets full eating the slow tourists before the containment team can get there?

- Where did all the people go? At one point they mention that there will be boats in the morning to take everyone off the island. And there are tons of shots of streets crowded with terrified quests.. Then I-rex, T-rex and the raptors all have their big fight on the same street that is now empty of tourists. Where are they?

Okay, all that silly stupidity aside, there was one truly great shot in the movie. Who ever came up with that shot should have done the rest of the film.

- When she goes to get the T-rex and is holding the flare up and you see the two red eye reflections and the T-rex slowly comes out of the shadow. That was just cool.

That said, I feel like this is Skyfall part 2. A movie that got great hype and reviews, yet is utterly and completely nonsensical when you stop to think about it.
We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf
Lucas (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 20 Nov 15, 18:37Post
Well let's talk about Skyfall: Part 3 or: Tom Cruise Wins This Round.

I saw James Bond: Skyfail Spectre yesterday! In it I learned that James Bond is not so good at killing people! In the beginning he doesn't kill people b/c they excel at playing dead and he excels at being fooled by people playing dead, but by the end he doesn't kill them on account of a woman who killed Tom Cruise's friend.

It should be noted that Professor James Moriarty is almost certainly NOT dead.
FlyingAce (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 17 Dec 15, 01:48Post
Guess who will be seeing The Force Awakens in just a few hours? :))
Money can't buy happiness; but it can get you flying, which is pretty much the same.
vikkyvik 17 Dec 15, 02:39Post
FlyingAce wrote:Guess who will be seeing The Force Awakens in just a few hours? :))

Please post a two-word (maximum) review after you've seen it.

I will definitely see it at some point, but I want to have an idea for expectations going in.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 17 Dec 15, 05:34Post
FlyingAce wrote:Guess who will be seeing The Force Awakens in just a few hours?

I've been informed I will be seeing it on Saturday night.
Make Orwell fiction again.
ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 17 Dec 15, 13:47Post
So you want a new language for your space opera, one that sounds like nothing on earth? Ask a Finn {laugh} ... ge/8533988
My friend and I applied for airline jobs in Australia, but they didn't Qantas.
FlyingAce (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 19 Dec 15, 03:40Post
vikkyvik wrote:
FlyingAce wrote:Guess who will be seeing The Force Awakens in just a few hours? :))

Please post a two-word (maximum) review after you've seen it.

I will definitely see it at some point, but I want to have an idea for expectations going in.

Very good. {thumbsup}

Disclaimer: a) I would not consider myself a hardcore fan, and b) what made it so enjoyable for me was not only the movie itself, but the whole experience surrounding it (the fan club organized a bunch of activities prior to the midnight screening). YMMV.
Money can't buy happiness; but it can get you flying, which is pretty much the same.
vikkyvik 19 Dec 15, 06:06Post
FlyingAce wrote:Very good

Thank you.

Some people at work also saw it, and so far, all the reviews have been very good to awesome.

I have to admit, I'm actually nervous about seeing this movie. The scars from the prequels last a long time.....
Fumanchewd 19 Dec 15, 08:02Post

I don't really care but thought it was funny.
"Give us a kiss, big tits."
miamiair (netAirspace FAA) 02 May 16, 12:43Post
I watched Dead Pool on the airplane yesterday. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

And let's get one thing straight. There's a big difference between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician; the other is an artist in love with flight. — E. B. Jeppesen
FlyingAce (netAirspace ATC & Founding Member) 03 May 16, 03:08Post
miamiair wrote:I watched Dead Pool on the airplane yesterday. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

I found it so enjoyable, I saw it twice at the movie theater :))
Money can't buy happiness; but it can get you flying, which is pretty much the same.
vikkyvik 03 May 16, 03:51Post
Click Click D'oh wrote:Okay, I seriously have to disagree with you CQ. I think I left Jurassic World measurably stupider than when I went in. If I hadn't been paying the near criminal rates Studio Movie Grill charges I would have walked out at several points.

Watched it on DVD a few months ago, and for what it's worth, I agree with you. Rating: {grumpy}

One Jurassic Park movie was enough. The other three just can't possibly measure up.

Speaking of aviation movies, saw Flight a couple months ago on TV. Not really an aviation movie - more of an addiction movie - but still pretty good, I thought. Rating: :)

Saw The Wicker Man on TV the other day. Honestly wasn't very impressed. Rating: :|

Also have to revise a couple ratings:
The Place Beyond The Pines: from :) to {cheerful} . Having seen it a few more times, it's quite good.

Gravity: from :) to :| . Having seen it a few more times, it's not that great.
ShyFlyer (Founding Member) 06 May 16, 21:31Post
Rewatched the most recent [i]Atlas Shrugged[/b] movies on iTunes. Part 3 left out a lot from the book, but was ok. Parts 1 & 2 were more true to the original work.
Make Orwell fiction again.
Click Click D'oh (Photo Quality Screener & Founding Member) 06 May 16, 23:36Post
Finally got to see Interstellar on Hulu. Much better than I expected based on the public reaction while it was in theaters
We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf
halls120 (Plank Owner) 07 May 16, 12:22Post
Click Click D'oh wrote:Finally got to see Interstellar on Hulu. Much better than I expected based on the public reaction while it was in theaters

I really enjoyed Interstellar.

On my trip back from the UK I watched Deadpool, Spotlight, and the Big Short. Enjoyed all of them.
At home in the PNW and loving it

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